Writers Resource Kit

Singapore Book Council
Print Design

Singapore Writers Center, a subset of National Book Council, wanted to publish a book to help budding writers kickstart their first work. This book contains everything from dealing with writers block to list of publishing and mentor schemes.

The approach was to create a handy little book that’s easy to carry everywhere. Besides making sure the text is easy to read, we thought it will be a neat idea to incorporate elements of book design, as writers might find them useful when publishing their first work. The anatomy of a book was annotated throughout the book, like edition notice and colophon.

As we were given free reign in the design, little graphics were strewn across the book. Certain parts were more info-heavy, hence the illustrations act as a handy visual summary of the points made in that chapter. On the other hand, other illustrations were ‘point-less’ graphics that inject a little humour (we hope) into the text. All in all, it was a book we thoroughly enjoyed making.